We welcome you as a new customer! Thank You for joining our community! Here are a few things you'll need to know...
Q: What do I need to do to start a utility account with the City of Cascade Locks?
All utility accounts require a security deposit (regardless of credit or payment history), and connect fees for each utility you subscribe to.
Water/Sewer Connect Fee $ 30
Q: What can I expect my bill to be each month?
There are some fees that will be on your bill every month, but some of the charges depend on you. The base fee for residential water meters is $11.38. This helps pay for maintenance and replacemnt of meters. Cost of water consumption is $2.50 per 1,000 gallons of water consumed. You may request an average of a previous account at a specific address if the information is available.
For more Questions and Answers, click on the document at the bottom.
To sign up for service, call (541) 374-8484.